HDR Photography and More by Dave DiCello

HDR…My opinion on the debate

No matter what photography forum you are a part of, be it flickr, dpreview, Digital Photography School or any other, you will eventually run across two debates.  One is your standard SOOC vs. Post Process, the “purists” vs. the “rebels”, or whatever you’d like to call it.  The other revolves around HDR.  I have posted my feelings about both of these subjects over the past couples months on flickr, just in comments on other folks photos, never really diving in.  That being said, I wanted to give my full opinion and weigh in on these subjects.  The reason that I want to talk about them together, is that I believe that they go hand in one.  You can have the discussions separately, but it’s just more fun to have them together!  I’ll also be dropping processed vs. SOOC, HDR vs. single exposure shots throughout this page, just to liven things up!

Now, inevitably there will be people who disagree with what I am going to write here, and guess what?  That is 100% fine.  That’s kind of the whole basis of my argument (we’ll get into that later).  I’m not attacking anyone in this write up, I’m not criticizing anyone, so if say that I don’t shoot film, please don’t take that as I think people who do shoot film are dinosaurs and need to get with the digital age.  I offer up only my opinion, and unlike many articles on these subjects that are out there, I’m not drawing a line in the sand and saying that because I do it one way, that must mean that your way is wrong.  Because that’s the great thing about photography (read: art).  There is no right way.  There is no wrong way.  There is my way.  And Henrik Knudsen’s way.  And Joon Brandt’s way.  And Mark Velasquez’s way.  There is the wild way of Matt Hansen, the candid way of Ian Sane and the story telling way of Daniela Duncan.  And you don’t have to like every picture you see.  But the thing that I believe everyone should remember is this: Just because YOU don’t like a photograph, does not mean it is not good, it means that you just don’t like it.  I don’t like meatloaf.  Never have.  However, does that mean that all meatloaf is terrible?  Absolutely not.  Now, onto the debate!

I’ll start with the SOOC vs. processing debate, because it will be shorter and a nice lead in to the HDR one.  Since my passion is HDR, I don’t want to get too worked up too early and have you stop reading.  We’ll ease into this (like that first time you get in the swimming pool after Memorial Day…MAN is that cold!).  I’m trying to stay as objective as I possibly can while writing this, because one of my biggest pet peeves is when people take a hard line on one of these issues and just feel the need to almost insult the other side of the story.  I recently read an article (and I am not going to post the link here because the stance taken is almost juvenile [“Not listening to your side la-la-la-not listening-la-la-la” is more or less what is said] and I don’t think reading it would be of much value to you) that was my inspiration for taking the approach.

Don’t get me wrong about SOOC images: I think that they can be absolutely fantastic.  They really have a sense of reality to them, a sense of being there, because you know if you were there and when you first take the picture and look at your viewfinder that’s what you would see.  I can also fully appreciate the fact if you have a digital camera but are trying to replicate the film experience, then you have one shot to get a scene right.  Well, not just one shot I supposed you could have 24 or 36 shots, but if it’s not right when you press the shutter then it is not going to be right.  As I’ve stated earlier (and this will be a permeating theme throughout this article), you are entitled to create your artwork the way that you see it.  But just because I put my pictures through Photoshop, add some contrast, some color, clone this bag out that floated into the scene, remove the ghosting guy that walked past, does that make me less of a photographer?  I still went out, composed the scene how I wanted it to look and pressed the shutter.  The other point is this.  I’ve personally never taken any photography classes.  All I’ve learned is from the internet books, etc.  I think it is a safe assumption (and I hate to assume, we all know what happens) is that if you are still shooting film, then you have either had some formal training or have been shooting for much longer than I have.  The reason I bring this point up, is maybe you know your way around a camera a bit more than me.  I’ll be the first one to tell you that I am no expert when it comes to photography (yet, working on it though!)  So while it’s true that I may use Photoshop as a crutch, it’s still my interpretation of the picture that I am creating.  I firmly believe in the Pablo Picasso quote “I paint objects as I think them, not as I see them”.

So we’ve talked about purists vs. rebels (real rebels not the kind you Canon folk use).  Though Nikon vs. Canon is a good synonym for purists vs. rebels.  I’m only joking, trust me, I’m not getting into the Nikon vs. Canon debate for one reason, and one reason only.  There is no debate.  Go out, find a camera you like, and buy it.  Doesn’t matter if it is Nikon, Canon, Pentax, Sony, who cares.  Just find a way to take the pictures!  On to HDR!

Now this issue hits a little closer to home for me, as the majority of my work is obviously HDR (just in case you hadn’t visited my flickr stream, ever read one of my posts, or um, seen the title of the blog).  Another reason I kind of take this personally is that some people have had some, well, let’s just say unflattering things to say to me.  Just to give you a few examples my work as been called, terrible, a joke, a poor excuse for photography, and my personal favorite, vomit on someone’s computer screen.  That last one just made me chuckle, because let’s face it, you have nothing better to do than say something like that, that’s fine with me.  Plus, this is a free country, and you have the right to say whatever it is you’d like to, I can respect that.  But I just have one thing to say to those people (I doubt they are reading this though):  If you don’t like my work, then just close the web page!  Don’t tell me you’ve looked through hundreds of my HDRs and you hate them all!  Thank you for all the views, but just find something you want to look at!  Or go take a picture yourself!  That’s the other thing that kind of bothers me.  I’ve had people say “I’m not a photographer, but I think your photos suck.”  Or people tell you that you should try to do more ralistic HDRs, or that you should post more unprocessed images.  Did someone tell Picasso to try his hand at basketweaving?  No.  So don’t tell me what kind of pictures I shoud take.

Sorry about that, didn’t mean to make it about me, like I said, it just gets to me sometimes *sniff sniff*.  Ok, tears wiped, ready to go.  HDR vs. non HDR.  Let’s take a quick second to remember what HDR is.  All we have to do is look at the name.  High Dynamic Range photography.  Our goal is to capture those details in the shadows and highlights, maybe make it look like something out of a Tim Burton movie, maybe just make it more natural.  There are some really superb HDR photographers out there who just make you feel like you are standing there staring at the scene.  You can barely tell it’s HDR, it’s so crisp and clean.  Remember that when we look at a scene, we inherently see it in HDR with our eyes.  You can see the details all throughout the scene, the colors, the lighting.  Our eyes are always refocusing and adjusting to give us this view.  A camera isn’t that smart (yet).  So to capture what we are seeing, HDR is necessary, in my opinion.  You can see this from a shot I took during our Jamaican honeymoon.  With just one exposure, the zero exposure compensation one, the highlights are WAY blown out and the shadows are too dark.  Sure you could recover some of the highlights and boost the shadows in CS5 (purists cover your eyes!), but why not take seven bracketed shots and get the image you see below it?

The beauty of HDR photography is, you don’t have to use it to overcome the shortfalls of a camera.  I HDR almost everything I shoot, just because I absolutely love the way that a scene processed with the technique looks.  Take the New York Skyline for example.  You can see the middle exposure for a set of five bracketed shots and the HDR.  There are people who will say they like the single exposure better.  But aren’t the colors a big bland?  Aren’t some of the lights a bit blown out?  I mean yes, it still is a cool picture, but compare it to the HDR!  It gets blown out of the water!  To me, I would look at the SOOC and say, “Oh cool, the NY skyline” and move on.  With the HDR, I say, “I need to hang this in my house right now”.  That’s the advantage HDR can bring to the table.

Another example of this is below.  The snow looks cool in the single exposure and you can see it falling in the middle of the scene.  But the sky is just completely blown out.  Since this is my creation, my art, I wanted to portray it differently.  I wanted to show the blizzard that I was driving through.  So, five shots later, you can see the snow falling all throughout the scene, you get a sense of movement of the snow of the left now, instead of it just hanging in mid air.

Ok, I guess it’s about time to wrap it up, I’ve droned on for much longer than I thought I was going to.  It comes down to this.  HDR is a style of photography, just like B&W, high key, even wedding and landscape photography.  I mean, is B&W how you see the world?  To those who say that HDR is fake, when you see a scene, is it in B&W?  Nope.  Well, unless you are color blind, but that is a different story.  I’m not saying that B&W is bad.  I love B&W images.  I’ve done quite a few.  But if anything, B&W images are more fake than HDR, as HDR presents the world as we see, in complete dynamic range, if the processing is done naturally and not Salvador Dali style.  What if you don’t like portrait or wedding photography?  Isn’t that a style, or an art as well?  Sometimes we just need to be more open minded about photography in general, myself included.  If you don’t understand HDR or have never seen an HDR you like, well that’s one thing.  But don’t take a stance that it’s not art, that it’s not good, just because you don’t like it.

I say the same thing to you as I say to those are complain about Howard Stern or Glenn Beck.  Stop listening (or in our case stop looking)!!  No one is sitting down and forcing you to look at HDR images.  If it’s not your cup of tea, that’s fine by me.  I may not like the 1,000 pictures of your cat you have on your photostream.  But if photographing your cat makes you happy, then snap away.  Because HDR makes me happy.  I love taking the pictures, I love processing the pictures, I love taking a normal old scene and making it my own, how I see it.  As Bill Waterston said, “I’ll connect the dots my own way.”

And guess what.  I’m going to keep doing it.

38 responses

  1. Oh wow, Dave! I don’t know where to start! First, thanks for mentioning my name. Second, I love the way you see things and express yourself – Bravo! I agree with you. Third: these images are absolutely fantastic! Your SOOCs are excellent, your HDRs are outstanding, striking! You’re a brilliant photographer, my friend!

    January 27, 2011 at 9:41 am

  2. Ok, Canon vs. Nikon…lets start here. Haha, just kidding. I’m very impressed with this post, because That’s how I feel, and I hear all of the same things. People are upset, because it’s not the true photo. I agree with you 100% on everything you have stated in your post.

    First of all, Photography is an art. It is made to be shot in your image, the way you see it, the way you WANT it. Even for 35mm cameras, why did they make B&W film? That’s not really how the world looks (as you stated).

    Most importantly, heres the kicker. Ready for this? Cameras, 35mm film, digital, all cameras out there, CANNOT, I repeat, CANNOT capture a photo, a scene, as the way we truly see it with our own eyes, and the way it truly looks. This is a Fact, for anyone wondering. A camera cannot match our eyes and the way we view the world, and how it ACTUALLY looks in real life.

    Now for the very best part. HDR (high dynamic range, or high dynamic resolution, you choose), this entire process was created in the very first place BECAUSE of the fact photos cannot capture realistic settings as we see with our own eyes. So HDR’s were invented to get as close as possible to seeing the world correctly as to how we see it. Thats the honest fact as to why the HDR process was created in the first place! Now how we all choose to process our HDR’s, that’s up to us. That’s our choice. That’s our vision, as photographers. That’s our ART. I don’t tell anyone to purchase a different car because I dislike it. They bought it for themselves. I don’t tell 35mm camera photographers that vignetting or bokeh is wrong, since the world doesn’t really spiral into a black unfocused hole. Haha.

    Not to rant myself, but I’m just happy you touched on thsi subject which has bothered me for a long time also. People think my photos are horrible because it’s not how it really looks. I want to say “you want to look at the original single exposure and see if you want that hanging on your wall?”. They also don’t understand the hard work we put into our processing. It’s not easy!

    I, myself, think your photography is above extraordinary Dave, and who are people to judge a photo that can’t even notice noise in a photograph? Haha. My last point is, I also agree with you, on the fact that I dislike the way that some people process their photos (as they dislike the way I process mine), but I can sit there and look at a photographers work, dislike it, but say to myself “wow, he is a very good photographer. He does more of the artsy/gallery sculpture work, which I’m not into, but I know enough about it to know he’s damn good at it.”

    So thanks for writing this post, for ALL of us HDR photographers out there! And we will talk about this Canon vs. Nikon thing later 🙂

    January 27, 2011 at 10:28 am

  3. Dani – Thanks so much for stopping by! I appreciate your support on my blog…this everyday thing can be tough!

    Ty – Thanks for the write up man, much appreciated. People don’t understand that a camera just can’t capture what we see. Impossible. We try to do that for people and they judge us for it. Just take your own pictures, you know! And amen to that brother…I hate most of my exposures from the HDR brackets, that’s why I have to combine them, haha Thanks for mentioning my work too, we gotta get out shooting again!

    January 27, 2011 at 10:43 am

  4. Well, since you don’t like meatloaf, I wasn’t sure I should read any of this. I mean, how can we trust a non-meatloaf eater. Add in the fact that you’re a Nikon user, and you know…what more is there to say?

    But…I agree with what you’ve said here. When I was first getting into this, I was immediately taken with HDR and focused mainly on that. I started getting noticed a bit, and was offered a spot in a gallery. I asked a pro photographer there if my photos were any good. He liked my HDR work (I think) but basically he said that “good” depends on the viewer. Like you I’ve had people that just don’t like it, and say “Don’t you have any “real” photographs?” But I have others who buy it, and think it’s the greatest thing ever. When that happens I get excited, but the remember people who love Elvis painted on black velvet. I hate that stuff, but not others. Photography is a form of art, and art is subjective. I don’t really care if some people don’t like my work, because there are lots of people on Flickr that have work I don’t like as well. Because I don’t like it, it doesn’t make it bad.

    I do think though that we can always grow, and get better. And there are some basics to a good photo. I think composition, and subject has more to do with it, than the processing technique. I do love a really clear, well taken photo without HDR as well. I strive to take those but feel I can improve in that area. I love having a photo of a scene that looks similar to what my eye saw, and HDR gets us closer to that I think.

    Also I don’t mind people that are big on sooc with no processing. I find it annoying though when they push that agenda and say that’s the way all photography should be. According to whom? Especially the purists that go on and on about Ansel Adams. I love the work of Ansel Adams, and admire him greatly. But I wonder about the people that hold him up as this purist. Adams did a lot of dodging and burning in the darkroom, and was always playing with techniques. How is that sooc? It’s not. He processed with the techniques available to him, and that’s all we’re doing with HDR.

    Anyway, I could go on, but you get my drift. Even a non-meatloaf eating Nikon guy knows where I’m going with this…

    January 27, 2011 at 11:09 am

  5. Susan (DigitalSLG)

    Although I get email updates about your blog articles and do read each one, I don’t know if I’ve ever commented. I have to today because I agree 100% with everything you’ve said here…very well written Dave. As you know, I love HDR as well, sometimes toned down & sometimes wild, depending on the shot & my mood but to each his/her own. As you said, if you don’t like it, leave & don’t look at it. I love your work and enjoy your tips & articles. Thanks. 🙂

    January 27, 2011 at 11:22 am

  6. Ida Shum

    You process images brilliantly, Dave! You also have a way of telling a story with the HDR by bringing out the details not normally elicited by a SOOC image. Keep up the fantastic work!

    January 27, 2011 at 11:33 am

  7. Natalia

    Hi Dave.
    I agree 100% with you. I think we all have to do whatever make us happy. IF HDR makes you happy… go on doing it!!! I love your HDR photos. I usually visit your stream and really love your work.
    Have a nice day!!

    January 27, 2011 at 11:45 am

  8. Pingback: Tweets that mention HDR…My opinion on the debate « HDR Exposed -- Topsy.com

  9. Thanks Dave! This definitely inspires me to try HDR again. I’ve tried it in the past, but it didn’t really turn out well haha. Maybe I’ll have to try it again.
    By the way, awesome pictures. Keep up the great work! 🙂

    January 27, 2011 at 12:19 pm

  10. Thanks for writing this, Dave. I particularly like the Picasso quote. As a general rule, I do tend to prefer realistic art, but that’s not the only type of art there is. Most people understand this when it comes to painting or sculpting, but for whatever reason they cling to the notion that photography is different. Probably because it has so many utilitarian purposes where tweaking the image would be considered unethical or counter-productive (for example, any photograph that’s going to end up in a newspaper).

    Art can depict things as they are, or things as one person sees them…or even how we’d like to see them.

    Anyone who’s ever taken photographs of someone they know personally knows that certain shots capture that person better than others, even if there’s no technical difference between one and the next. To me, HDR has the ability to do the same sort of thing; to capture the essence of a place, to remove part of the “you had to be there” barrier. It exaggerates reality in a way that can reveal more about it.

    Put another way: HDR is to photography what legends are to facts.

    January 27, 2011 at 12:47 pm

  11. Yen

    Very well written Dave, and excellent images as usual!

    January 27, 2011 at 12:48 pm

  12. Hi Craig – I agree with what you’re saying. It bothers me when people try to tell me the only way to go is SOOC. If that’s how you want to go, fine. No one told Beethoven to play a trumpet. Not saying I’m Beethoven, but you get the idea.

    Susan – Thank you so much! I really appreciate your support and thanks for the post on twitter!

    Ida – Will do…thanks a lot!

    Natalia – Really appreciate your visit and your comment!

    Fionn – Go for it! Can’t wait to see what you come up with!

    January 27, 2011 at 12:51 pm

  13. Chris – Very well put! I may have to use that quote sometime! Great line about removing the “you had to be there barrier”. Thanks for the visit!

    Yen – Thanks for stopping by my blog, I frequent yours, I will have to start posting more!

    January 27, 2011 at 12:53 pm

  14. brightlightsvegasnights

    To quote a Monty Python sketch, “I may not know much about art, but I know what I like!”.

    That was interesting read Dave, you make great points. You are open minded, a lot of people are not, it’s a simple as that. It takes all sorts to make the world go round though.

    Just to be clear though, Salisbury Steak > Meatloaf, Canon > Nikon and while we are at it lets throw in Mac > PC 😉

    January 27, 2011 at 2:01 pm

    • I’m with you on the first and third points! haha Thanks for stpoping by

      January 27, 2011 at 2:23 pm

  15. Good Post Dave, I agree 100%

    January 27, 2011 at 3:02 pm

  16. Brandon Godfrey

    “Did someone tell Picasso to try his hand at basketweaving? No. So don’t tell me what time of pictures I shoud take.”

    haha! Exactly… There will always be haters. I’ve had my fare share of non photographers diss my work too. Who cares right? You can’t please everyone, nor should you want to…

    Great write up Dave!

    January 27, 2011 at 5:33 pm

  17. AWESOME! Well said, Dave. And thank you for referencing my photostream. By the way, I’m quite offended by the fact you don’t like meatloaf. I’ll have you know I love meatloaf so much I’ve eaten the food while listening to the musician, that’s what I’m talkin’ ’bout. YAH!!!! =)

    I wish my job didn’t keep me so busy. I would love to learn HDR. You know, I’ve owned CS4 for over a year now and haven’t even touched it. I process all of my photos with a simple Elements 7. Everything is on the fly. Maybe I should retire from the work force so I could have more time. =)

    Great article!!!

    January 27, 2011 at 7:23 pm

  18. Dwayne Draper

    Well, Dave. I, for one, think that the end result is what is actually important, and obviously so do the manufacturers, or they would not produce cameras with the immense capabilities they have. I think you article is well thought out, and extremely well presented. I personally like to manipulate images, but hey! To each his own, just don’t chastise me because our beliefs don’t align.

    January 28, 2011 at 6:27 am

  19. Hey dave,
    vomit on the screen eh? You are right, some people just take it all too serious. Your photos are always a welcome to my inbox.
    I think everyone that does HDR has their own flair for it as well and that is what keeps it interesting. As you mentioned and I agree, I love following Dani and Kurt just as much and they don’t use it.

    I found I was using HDR for about everything and needed to get back to other things (for me) but still love processing SOOC, some PS edits and hdr…To compare the 3 results is a blast.
    In fact it opens doors to 3 different markets when selling.

    I will be in 3 galleries soon and will be interested to see how the HDR moves. Many have never seen it.

    Keep up the great work Dave (Evad 🙂

    January 28, 2011 at 7:47 am

    • Mike – Yeah, some people are a little intense about it! You know I’ve thought about starting to do that, process an image a few different ways, one being a single exposure process. Maybe that’s the idea for my next section of the blog! Let me know how the HDRs move!!!

      Thanks man, I appreciate you stopping by!

      January 28, 2011 at 7:51 am

  20. Brandon – Amen! It’s your photography, your work, so present it how you want! Thanks for stopping by man!

    Kurt – LOL That is one helluva love of meatloaf for sure. I’ld love to see what you could come up with in terms of HDR. Your work is some of the best candid stuff on flickr, so no complaints on what you do now! Thanks for the visit my friend!

    Dwayne – I agree. It’s all about producing an end result that you like. If you personally don’t like it in the camera, then make some changes! Nice point on manufacturers, obviously the trend the industry is going in is more processed images! Thanks for stopping by!

    January 28, 2011 at 7:48 am

  21. Great post! I added you to my flickr contacts because I like looking at your stuff, especially the New York shots. That last snowy street scene is the type of stuff I especially love to look at. It looks like art. It’s fun to look at with all it’s detail. It tells a mini story. ‘Nuff said.

    February 3, 2011 at 11:34 am

  22. Allan


    I’ve been dropping by your blog for the past year or so, just to check out your work. However, after reading this post I realize I need to spend some time reading – very well wrote. Art is subjective and where one person may like a specific piece of art doesn’t mean everyone will…… the old saying “you can’t please everyone – therefore do what pleases you!” Great post – keep shooting!

    BTW: I dislike meatloaf also, until I tried a meatloaf dish at a local restaurant last month. They finish it off by cooking it on an open-wood grill – adds a smoky flavor to it. However by adding the “grill-flavor” is it still considered meatloaf…. my stomach was glad my brain didn’t spend time debating the meatloaf vs. non-meatloaf issue!

    Great post – keep shooting!


    February 19, 2011 at 10:14 am

  23. I absolutely agree with you about HDR… Isn’t the whole point of photography to capture what we see? And if HDR is closer to what we actually see, I think of it as more real photography.

    I actually did my first attempt at HDR this morning… Didn’t work however because of my crappy tripod. I’m going to buy a better one and try again and I hope to use this technique a lot! 🙂

    March 15, 2011 at 12:08 pm

    • Thanks Adrienne! If you have any questions about HDR I’d be happy to help!

      March 16, 2011 at 6:22 am

      • When I get another chance to try it properly I will probably have some questions! I’ve subscribed to your blog so I’ll know where to reach you. Thanks 🙂

        March 16, 2011 at 10:06 am

  24. Who doesn’t like meatloaf? What’s wrong with you man?
    Great article…I agree

    March 22, 2011 at 1:11 pm

  25. Charlie Sheeeeeen

    HDR is a fad from 4 years ago, move on already!

    March 31, 2011 at 10:40 am

    • I will one day. For now, I still enjoy HDR.

      March 31, 2011 at 10:48 am

  26. David

    Great post Dave! I agree 100% with your sentiments. I have had people say they did not like my HDR’s because it looks like a computer graphic and others whom are blown away by the detail and colors! I was attracted to HDR because of the “Painted” look of a photograph. The finished product looks like art, not just a photograph.

    I certainly appreciate all types of photography because it is an expression of the person behind the camera, the artist! I am also self taught, never taken classes on instruction or camera use. I have learned via the internet or sometimes a workshop. I think there is some animosity towards us self taught photographers, because we have not followed the same road of learning that “Purists” have taken. Who cares what education in photography you have! Isn’t it the resulting product that we are interested in?

    I could go on a tirade as well, but find that it is not necessary. Just like the Canon vs Nikon debate! It is not so much the camera, but the photographer behind it. A picture does not compose itself, it requires a photographer to compose the shot and expose it as best as the camera can record it, and sometimes it takes added filters or bracketing of exposures to achieve that result!

    Keep up the great work! You are a great artist and you are expressing what you see in your own unique way!

    April 1, 2011 at 3:04 pm

    • David – Thanks a lot! I really appreciate the support. You’ve hit the nail on the head here. To me, that’s what a lot of people seem to forget about photography. There really is no right or wrong, IMO, just like there is no right or wrong way to paint. It’s art, your creation, feel free to expres yourself how you like!

      April 4, 2011 at 6:32 am

  27. I agree completely. I have no argument with anyone that holds any view regarding photography practices.

    A slight correction – I have a severe problem with one group and that is those who have dcided that there way, whatever that might be, is the only way.

    As for hdr I am agnostic but that is purely taste and not philosophy based.

    April 28, 2011 at 1:41 pm

    • Steve – Thanks for stopping by. Couldn’t agree with you more on your second point, and not just in regards to photography, but anything in life. The more open minded we can be, the better.

      And HDR certainly isn’t for everyone, and yo’uve hit the nail on the head, it’s all about what you like or don’t like…doesn’t mean it’s wrong.

      Thanks again for weighing in!

      April 28, 2011 at 1:56 pm

  28. And there are ‘purists’ among HDR people as well. Mine tend to be more subtle, truly trying to capture all that I have seen, and am told by some on Flickr that it does not ‘qualify’ as HDR..

    Mine are in two galleries, and the ones that sell best are the ones that people see as a photograph, but with a ‘painterly’ feel to it. Not CGI-looking, just different..

    May 8, 2011 at 8:23 am

    • You are absolutely right Dan, there are certainly categories within those of us who shoot HDR. I tend to be kind of all over the place with my processing, depending on the mood I’m in. Yours look great, and certainly have a more painterly feel compared to a CGI feel. They are really excellent! Thanks for stopping by and subscribing as well!

      May 8, 2011 at 9:09 am

  29. .

    May 8, 2011 at 8:23 am

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